What You Get….
When purchasing a website with SparrShan.com, you also purchase one full year of maintenance from the developer of your site whether it is hosted with us or not.

Our Hosted Sites
If you have chosen to host with us you will be given your choice of domain (assuming it pasts standard Domain Naming Lookup Tools or it has not been picked already) for $10.00 (one time setup fee) and free hosting for one full year from the date of your purchase.

Your Hosted Site
If you have chosen to keep your hosting solution, you will be purchasing your site with one year of maintenance for your site included. You will be required to submit admin level username and password credentials for your site.

Our Maintenance Service
With everyone of our site packages, included is one year of maintenance for your site. Our developer will remain on your project and at your disposal for that year. Once that year is up, you can purchase additional maintenance packages at a low cost.

What we use
All of our sites are based in WordPress. This allows for use of thousands of plugins which can be used to create and develop multifunction websites such as vlogs and ecommerce shops. Once your site is created you will have complete admin access to the backend administration area of the site.